Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Road Trip with a Baby

We took our first long trip with Oskar to Boca Raton, FL last week to visit family and in anticipation of Thanksgiving. He proved to be a very good traveler lasting 6+ hours in the car with little problem and handling his first stay at a motor lodge with ease.

It took a couple of days (and some cranky nights) to get settled in.

Oz met his "Hopie" this week as well as O'Pa (the Outlaw Grandpa) Ken and his family. Oz likes Florida and our walks around the neighborhood, but could do without all the car rides.

The Nicolos are taking a cruise for Thanksgiving to the Western Carribean and happened to be in Ft. Lauderdale while we were visiting so we took a trip down to see them for dinner. We met Andrew for the first time and Will has grown so big and is talking non-stop.

The weather has been unseasonably cool. We are hoping to take the whole family down to the beach at some point if the chilliness breaks. If not, I guess we'll have to settle for days of leftovers and football. Ah, well.....if we must. :)

Bugaboo Graduation!

Last week Oz graduated to the 'seat' configuration for his stroller. He's getting pretty big now and talking up a storm. He particularly likes talking on the changing table and just before bedtime (after bath). It's hard to tell exactly what he's talking about right now but we're pretty sure it's ideas for xmas presents and something about wanting a little brother or sister at some point.

Friday, November 10, 2006

BG's Photo Fix - Week of 11/1/2006

Visit with Grandma and the Awakening

Last week Grandma, my Mom, came to visit us for 4 days. We had a great time. It was her first stay in Atlanta and her first glimpse at her first grandson. Grandma is a super playmate and teacher and Oskar loved every minute of her stay.

Oz loved seeing Grandma especially in the morning and decided to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every day of her visit to make the most of her stay.

We hit some of our favorite restaurants and did some shopping at the Target Plaza. It was a gorgeous day so we spent a lot of time just strolling through the strip. We hit the bookstore and took Grandma for her first Cold Stone Creamery treat. What fun.

This was also the week that Oskar decided to start "talking" during playtime and smiling at his mother and Grandma. It is so cool to hear my son vocalizing like that. He is definitely waking up from his early baby phase and becoming more active and interactive. I am amazed at him. His personality endearing and riveting.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

If I could save milk in a bottle

the first thing that I'd like to do
is to feed my son while his mother is sleeping
or at times in the late afternoon.

This past week, we finally sorted out our breast pump situation. At first Lauren bought a manual one that was defective, so we had to order a replacement part. During that time, we decided to check out some electric pumps too and I decided to drop the $$$ on the one that my wife really wanted but was having trouble justifying the cost.

She knew it was the best one, I knew we would be using it for a while so we should have one that is reliable and that would work for other infants (oh yeah). A woman at Target, unsolicited, confirmed that she had tried them all and the Medela was the one to get. So I got.

Now I get to feed my son, which by the way is much more fun than dealing with the byproduct side of his digestion. Once a day he gets a bottle and he loves it. Lauren gets to sleep during one nighttime feeding. Dad gets to provide more than comfort and diaper changes. It's great all around.

In other news...

My Mom is coming into town on Friday for 4 days. It'll be her first trip to our home in ATL and we are all excited to see her and for her to meet her newest grandchild. We have some fun activities planned for her visit as well as some good, downhome, chillin' in da hood. I warned Oz about her knack for blowing raspberries on baby stomachs. He thinks he can handle it.

Only two more days until she lands!!!

BG's Photo Fix - Week of 11/1/2006

It's Alive......Alive.....muhahahaha!

It's Halloween. It's Halloween.

Well, last night was Halloween, so we dressed up Oz and took him to our neighbor's down the street to get some candy for Mom and Dad. Few trick-or-treaters make it down our street since we are at the end of a dead end behind a large church, so the selection was great.

It was a beautiful night, cool and clear. Oz's costume was so convincing that a group of torch-bearing villagers showed up at the front door demanding to see the little monster. Next year we're going to install a moat with crocodiles for our protection.

Our neighbor Felicia dresses up as "crazy cat lady". Her costume was very good but she reminded me of one of my grandmother's friends and I freaked out a little. Oskar really liked her sweater. Tre chic!

Uncle Lars (Eric Sanders) came by the house earlier that day to meet Oz and work on two recording projects with Dad. Lars was so excited to meet Oskar and did great holding and playing with him. Oz really liked meeting Lars. I added a new VID CLIP from the visit. Very cute.

We hope everyone had a happy, safe, and fright-filled Halloween!